Retek is a world leader in die casting, with clients ranging from large appliance manufacturing companies to the automotive industry from design concept, to production and packaging.
We provide zinc die casting from mold design and testing, to zinc component manufacturing, finishing, and packaging from complex design specifications and turn them into a finished product.
Retek is leading zinc die casting companies over 10 years. Since its founding, we have evolved into a world class leader utilizing its technological wherewithal and skilled professionals to manufacture high quality die castings. We focus on quality and problem solving in China. base on Zinc Molding manufacturing facility.
Complex Shapes & Tight Tolerances
Zinc die casting produces multi-cavity, complex shapes and within closer tolerances than many other production processes. In addition to producing high volume runs of virtually identical parts, it produces rugged heat and wear resistant parts that are dimensionally stable, while maintaining exceptionally close tolerances.
The die casting process gives designers the opportunity to save costs by consolidating components into one net-shape die casting. Thus, potentially eliminating secondary operations such as machining. Zinc die castings have successfully been designed as bearings (eliminating bronze alloys), rivets, and can have cast in threads. Due to these advantages, die castings are found in a wide variety of industries including automotive, building hardware, electronics, sporting goods, etc.
It should be noted that industry standard tolerances can be met and/or exceeded, if it is necessary to the design of the part. However, there are many factors that must be considered, such as; the shape of the part, where a feature is located within the tool, what is its position with other features of the part and if you are dimensioning across the parting line. When considering tool life and cost, it is best practice to allow generous tolerances and draft on areas with less fit, form or function and to tighten tolerances only in areas where it is necessary.

Our zine die casting range in size from 100 ton to 300 ton, producing zinc die casting components for low or high volume production programs. We can make zinc hot chamber die casting, aluminum-zinc hot or cold chamber high pressure die casting, also aluminum die casting. Process monitoring, press side imaging, robotics, flow simulation, perpetual tooling and tool maintenance programs are utilized to extend tool life,save cost,time, and provide high quality die castings. From part conception and thorough prototyping, to assembling finished product.
Zinc Alloys
We are a leader in manufacturing for die casting in China. Our trained Metallurgists ensure that all alloys meet the specifications through continual chemical and physical analysis.
Our alloys include:
Zinc: Zamak 3, 5, and 7.
Zinc-Aluminum: ZA-8, ZA-12, and ZA-27.
Zinc alloys are the easy to high pressure diecast. They offer high ductility, impact strength, and can be easily plated. Zinc alloys have a lower melting point than aluminum which can assist in improving die life.
ZA alloys are zinc-based die casting materials that have a higher aluminum content than standard zinc alloys. These alloys has high strength characteristics also high hardness and well bearing properties.
Zinc Mold Flow Testing
Retek uses the internationally recognized CAM simulation technology to optimize tool design and zinc casting quality.
CAM simulation capabilities provide a better understanding of zinc injection mold filling, solidification, mechanical properties, thermal stresses and distortions. Fully menu-driven with an integrated solid modeler, CASD interfaces, and extensive databases, CAM provides a complete solution for design, production, and quality departments.
Steel Injection Mold Castings
CNC Machining and Hog-outs
Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
P-20 Tooling
Retek will manage customer finishing requirements to ensure parts meet specifications in both a timely and cost effective manner.
Our zinc surface finishing included:
Powder Coating (electrostatic application)
Wet Paint
Electroless Nickel
Silk Screening and Stenciling
EMI/RFI Shielding
Surface Conditioning (shot and bead blasting)